Tuesday, August 21, 2012

My Backwards Approach to Inverse Functions

Joe "Math Guy" was one of the first lessons I ever created. I drew this comic strip 'hook' for a sample class that I taught on inverse functions during a job interview. Years later, it's still one of my favorite lessons to teach.

One problem with algebra is that there is often a disconnect between the meaning/understanding and the computations/doing. We try our darndest to bridge the gap between the two, but I find that the meaning often gets muddied by cumbersome symbolic computations. For me, I like the way inverse functions lend themselves to the meaning first, and symbolic abstraction second. And when I do it well, a beautiful aha moment can occur.

Step1: Start Simple.

  • Functions are a series (composition) of one or more actions (functions) that maps one object onto another (as long as each input is related to only one output). For example, "Take something, add two and then multiply by 5," is a function. [It's also important to note that symbolic notation can differ in representations of the same function: like 5x + 10 and 5(x + 2). Why?]
  • Inverse functions are a series of reverse actions that undo the actions of a function. So, "Divide by 5 and then subtract 2," would be the inverse of the above function.
  • A function and its inverse, when composed together (in either order), always 'do nothing'.
Then we practice finding inverses of simple functions by first identifying the sequence of actions and reversing it. It's wonderfully intuitive and students 'get it' right away, just as long as Joe and I keep it relatively simple. Challenges at this point come in the form of four and five step functions, and not rational and quadratic curveballs.

Step 2: Complicate Things

Suddenly we find ourselves confronting rational functions and functions with multiple x's and our intuition begins to meet its match. At this point either I or someone in the class will throw up their hands and beg for a methodical way. I'll mention that one of my colleagues told me that I could just solve for x and that would be my inverse function. Dubious, but worth a shot. And so we try it, and yes it works. WHY??? Will that always work? What is going on?

Why is finding an inverse like solving an equation?

It is at this point that we talk about notation and graphs and all the algebraic aspects of inverse functions, keeping a tight grip on meaning: inverse functions 'undo' functions... no. 1 application for us right now? solving equations.

Have you noticed that we have not yet encountered any functions that don't have inverses? We do a lot of practice with functions that do have inverses before we even think about ones that don't.

Step 3: Complicate Things Again

So, now Joe finds himself confronted with two more functions and builds two more function machines. The problem is, Joe just cannot get back all of the numbers he threw into the original function! Why not?

What's wrong with these inverse machines? Is there any way we could tell in advance that these functions would have inadequate inverses? Is there any way to compensate for the missing values?

I purposely try to stay away from formal language at the beginning of this topic, but suddenly there is a lot of talk about inputs and outputs and mapping two inputs onto the same output. So the formal definitions come out, and lo and behold, they don't seem like jibberish.

If I'm lucky, something wonderful happens. They see a connection between this new topic and what they've been doing all along (solving equations). MAYBE they begin to appreciate the need for abstraction, formalization, and making compensations for small discrepancies.

And when that happens, my head rests peacefully on my pillow at night.


  1. Great comic, will share it with my class today--thanks!

  2. I stumbled across this while trying to plan a lesson on inverse functions. My kids loved Joe "Math Guy" and were really excited to help Joe keep his job when he messed up :)
